UW-Green Bay grad starts Skip the Warmup, develops heated knee sleeve

Sydney Gang wins second place with Skip the Warm-Up during the Solving NEW Challenges business idea pitch competition hosted by the Cofrin School of Business on April 27, 2022, at Titletown Tech in Ashwaubenon.

GREEN BAY – Sydney Gang, a recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, had a problem. She enjoyed working out, but struggled with a bad knee. She knew she should do a good warmup before exercising, but didn’t like spending time to do so.

Like many business ideas that start with a problem that needs solving, she was already thinking about how she could do so when a class at UWGB gave the push needed.

“I came up with the solution when I was taking an entrepreneurship class in February 2022,” Gang said. “For the semester, we had to create a business that solved a problem. I thought about what my biggest problem was and it was my knee. I did some digging in the market on what was available and came up with my own prototype.”

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