Adela Cepeda Will Hold You Accountable

A powerful Latina in the business of financial advisory, Adela Cepeda fought tooth and nail to have her voice heard by men hoping to drown her out. Now she’s here to hold them accountable.

As a founder and president of her own influential firm—plus a consistent boardroom presence—Cepeda recognizes that the early hurdles she overcame, and the difficulties her Colombian parents faced, acted as strong lessons in perseverance. But she doesn’t wish for younger generations of Latinas to face those same hardships.

Instead, she wants her experiences to serve others. She wants to call out injustices and prove that treating Latinos, and especially Latinas, as equals isn’t just a savvy move—it’s the right one.

Because if the business world acknowledges our power now, it can only be better prepared for tomorrow.

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