525: When The Greatest These is Love For This LGBTQ+ Ally – Kellie Woolf

What happens when a Mom says, “That’s ok, you are who you are and I accept that!”? You get an amazing author who is giving out HOPE. Her debut novel, Mount Hope, takes readers on journey where a murder victim and Jesus have a conversation that could change the world…something we all need right now. A little change and empathy to let LGBTQ people just be themselves.

About Kellie

Kellie Woolf’s debut novel, Mount Hope, is set in Topeka, Kansas,where she was born and raised. While she now lives in Colorado With her husband, Steve, and her cat Figgy, Topeka will always be home. She graduated from Seaman High School, and all other children were born at Stormont Vail hospital. Mount Hope Cemetery is the resting place for precious family members, and as a young adult, her first employment experiences crisscrossed the city.

Kellie has been a fierce supporter and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. Multiple family members on every side, dear friends and herself belong. In this human experience, she believes three things are designed innately for everyone: faith, hope, and love. In this work, she presents all three, with the greatest of these being love.

While she is serious about her family, faith, and social justice,you can usually find her laughing with friends and exploring nature. Her adventures include marrying Steve, raising three children, and adopting two teenagers—to say nothing of evading London’s subway bombs in 2005, competing in Irish Hard shoe dancing, and being a contestant on Ellen’s Game of Games. She is currently acting as co director of a non-profit organization that offers healing and inspiration to today’s weary teachers and is working on her second novel.

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