529: Uncloseting Fun In Your Life and Work – Mike Rucker

FUN. Something many of us have let disappear from our lives. Whether it is because of COVID, political strife, human rights, or simply because we keep letting life get in the way, FUN is a commodity that is worth fighting for to bring joy into our lives. Guiding us to uncloset fun and make it a habit is Mike Rucker, PH.D. He gives us cool insights on making fun an unapologetic habit in our lives.

About Mike

Dr. Mike Rucker is an organizational psychologist, behavioral scientist, and charter member of the International Positive Psychology Association. He has been academically published in publications like the International Journal of Workplace Health Management. His ideas about fun and health have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Fast Company, Forbes, Vox, Thrive Global, Mindful, mindbodygreen, and more. He currently serves as a senior leader at Active Wellness and is the author of the upcoming book The Fun Habit, available January 2023.

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