Entrepreneurs on Fire: When Business and Marriage Collide with Amy Wine: From the 2021 archive

From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL’s in these archive episodes are still relevant.

Amy is a Wife, Mom, Marriage Therapist, Business Coach, & Professional Taco-Eater. She is the owner of Amy Wine Counseling Center & Marriage Sparks and Business Coach for Michael Hyatt & Company. She is obsessed with Real Talk & Real Relationships.

Top 3 Value Bombs

1. Avoid focusing on just one aspect of either business or marriage; otherwise, you will end up celebrating your success alone.

2. It is hard to have a successful, fulfilling career if you feel failing in your marriage.

3. The whole process of having balance in life and time management might seem hard to fulfill at the moment; you might just need to learn the steps to achieve it for your business and your marriage.

Marriage Sparks – Visit Amy’s site to get the Core Values Exercise for your marriage and business, the Spark Your Life Assessment, and more! (Sorry! This link was active when this episode was first published in 2020 but is no longer an active offer.)


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