512: Creating Rituals For Smooth Change – Day Schildkret

Life is a series of change and transitions. Yet, when we get most frustrated with change – coming out, losing relationships, navigating a career change, battling life threatening diseases – do we really take the time to pass through that change and honor, release, and welcome in the new way of being in our life. Today, we venture into creating rituals for some of life’s biggest moments with Author and Ritual expert Day Schildkret.

About Day

Day Schildkret is an award-winning author, artist, ritualist, teacher and is internationally known for Morning Altars, which Buzz Feed calls, “a celebration of nature and life.” Working for over a decade with individuals, communities and organizations, Day is helping to heal the culture through a meaningful and creative response to change. Day is the author of Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration and Change (Simon Element/Simon & Schuster) publishing in 2022 as well as, Morning Altars: A 7-Step Practice to Nourish Your Spirit through Nature, Art and Ritual (The Countryman Press/W.W. Norton). More about Day at morningaltars.com and dayschildkret.com

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