Authors – E2 – Steffen Korsgaard – It’s right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints


The mobilization of resources is an essential challenge for entrepreneurs. Existing research suggests that access to standard and high-quality resources is an important condition for entrepreneurial success, yet such resources are often out of reach for entrepreneurs. In this study, we explore entrepreneurial resource mobilization in resource-constrained peripheral locations. We identify three activities together constituting an underlying logic of spatial bricolage, defined as making do with the resources at hand in the immediate spatial context. Further, we suggest that the likelihood and prevalence of this logic of action is both situational and dispositional, as individual and contextual factors combine to generate important differences in the resource mobilization activities of the entrepreneurs. Our study contributes to a contextualized understanding of entrepreneurship by showing how spatial bricolage as a distinct logic can help entrepreneurs overcome resource constraints, and how the spatial context incorporates an important dimension of what constitutes ‘at hand’ in entrepreneurial bricolage.

Co-authored by Steffen Korsgaard, Sabine Müller & Friedericke Welter


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